Home » Hornachuelos
“Piezas marmóreas reaprovechadas romanas e hispanovisigodas en Hornachos”, en F. Lorenzana de la Puente y J. Mateos Ascacibar (coords.): Arte, poder y sociedad. Y otros estudios sobre Extremadura. VII Jornadas de Historia en Llerena. Sociedad Extremeña de Historia. Llerena. 23-39.
“Tartesios, túrdulos, turdetanos. Realidad y ficción de la homogeneidad étnica de la Bética romana”, en J. Santos Yanguas y G. Cruz Andreotti (eds.): Romanización, fronteras y etnias en la Roma antigua: el caso hispano. Revisiones de Historia Antigua, VII. UPV/EHU. Vitoria/Gasteiz. 691-734.
The FORNACIS project will be present at the Scientific Meeting Urban Landscapes of Peninsular Protohistory: New Perspectives for a Comparative
In December 2022, David Gordillo Salguero, a recent PhD in Antiquity Sciences (University of Salamanca) and currently an archaeologist at
At the end of October 2022, M.ª Cruces Blázquez Cerrato (G.I. HESPERIA, University of Salamanca) has joined the research team
Between June 6 and 10, 2022, we have carried out geo-mining and archaeological surveys in the surroundings of Hornachuelos-Fornacis. These
In November, Andrés Roldán Díaz joined the FORNACIS Project team as an FPI researcher. His doctoral thesis will be based
The oppidum of Fornacis in the historical context of Beturia
Archaeology and heritage of a landscape of the Roman conquest
Prehistory Area
Department of History